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Ali Mohammadi

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About Me

I am a fourth-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), where I am advised by Dr. Manas Gaur and Dr. Frank Ferraro. Previously, I completed my master's degree in artificial intelligence, which has equipped me with a strong foundation in AI. My research focuses on Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning, with a specialization in the explainability and robustness of language models and large language models. I am passionate about advancing the understanding and application of NLP to create more interpretable and reliable AI systems.

I publish under the names Ali Mohammadi and Seyedali Mohammadi, reflecting my work across diverse collaborations and research topics.

View my Curriculum Vitae (CV) for more details.

Recent Papers

Paper 1
Can LLMs obfuscate code? A systematic analysis of large language models into assembly code obfuscation.
Mohseni, S.*, Mohammadi, S.*, Tilwani, D., Ndawula, G. K., Vema, S., Saxena, Y., Raff, E., and Gaur, M. AAAI 2025. (Accepted, Not Yet Published) arXiv
*Equal contribution.
Paper 1
WellDunn: On the Robustness and Explainability of Language Models and Large Language Models in Identifying Wellness Dimensions
Seyedali Mohammadi, Edward Raff, Jinendra Malekar, Vedant Palit, Francis Ferraro, and Manas Gaur. BlackboxNLP at EMNLP 2024. Association for Computational Linguistics
Paper 2
IoT-Based Preventive Mental Health Using Knowledge Graphs and Standards for Better Well-Being
Amelie Gyrard, Seyedali Mohammadi, Manas Gaur, Antonio Kung. arXiv 2024. arXiv
Paper 3
REASONS: A benchmark for REtrieval and Automated citationS Of scieNtific Sentences using Public and Proprietary LLMs
Deepa Tilwani, Yash Saxena, Ali Mohammadi, Edward Raff, Amit Sheth, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, Manas Gaur. arXiv 2024. arXiv

Previous Papers

Khairdoost, N., Pour, M. R. B., Mohammadi, S. A., Jajarm, M. H. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, 2015.



AAAI 2025 Travel Award.


EMNLP BlackboxNLP Travel Award.
Invited Talk at ACM CIKM Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Responsible AI.
UMBC Graduate Student Travel Award for EMNLP 2024.